We have compiled a list of answers to the most common questions about Magnolia Academy.

If you have any further queries, contact us.

What kind of content will I see at Magnolia Academy?

Magnolia Academy offers a variety of Magnolia-related training resources, including video walkthroughs, online courses and masterclasses.

These resources are designed to meet the needs of Magnolia users, including content managers, front-end developers, back-end developers, and PaaS operations professionals.

How do I register an account?

You can contact your local Customer Success Manager, Partner Manager or fill out the form directly to register for membership.

We have seats included in our contract

You can contact your local Customer Success Manager to claim free seats.

A subscribed member has left our company. Can we replace his seat?

Yes, certainly! Please contact us directly or your local Customer Success Manager or Partner Manager to manage your seats.

Will I be given a certificate after completing a Magnolia Academy course?

You will receive a Certificate of Completion for each course that you complete.

Will there be an exam after each course?

Although we have periodic checkpoints throughout the course, we do not currently have a comprehensive exam at the end of each course to test your knowledge of the material.

Will my completed courses prove that I have sufficient knowledge about Magnolia?

Magnolia Academy students can continue to build on their knowledge of Magnolia by working on small projects independently.

However, completing a Magnolia Academy course or receiving the Certificate of Completion does not qualify an individual as a Magnolia Trained & Certified Developer.

Becoming a Magnolia Trained & Certified Developer involves attending instructor-led training and passing a certification exam.

Will taking Magnolia Academy courses qualify me to work as a Magnolia developer?

Magnolia Academy students can continue to build on their knowledge of Magnolia by working on small projects independently.

We still recommend attending instructor-led training and passing a certification exam to become a Magnolia Trained & Certified Developer to qualify for working on Magnolia projects.

Can I enroll in Magnolia Academy and take Magnolia certification exams?

You may take the exam, but we cannot guarantee a passing grade. We advise that you complete the Magnolia Academy courses, perform hands-on exercises, and work on small projects before taking any Magnolia certification exam.

To become a Magnolia Trained & Certified Developer, we require attending instructor-led training and passing the certification exam.

I have an issue while taking a course. What should I do?

Please contact us directly if you have questions about the course you're studying or if you encounter platform problems.

I need help with the platform. Who should I contact regarding this matter?

Please get in touch with us directly if you have problems with the platform.

I want to cancel my membership subscription. How can I do that?

Please contact your local Customer Success Manager or Partner Manager to cancel your membership. You may also contact us directly.

How can I close an account?

Please contact your local Customer Success Manager or Partner Manager to delete your account. You may also contact us directly.

What DXP are you using for Magnolia Academy?

Magnolia Academy is built on Magnolia and runs on our cloud platform (Magnolia PaaS). Thanks for asking! 😊